O descrédito de uma instituição
Manuel Brás
Dia 10 de Dezembro as Nações Unidas celebram o 60º aniversário da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos. Que longe estão dos que assinaram a declaração há 60 anos aqueles que hoje pretendem dar ao aborto a roupagem de um “direito humano”. Os promotores do “direito ao aborto” não podiam estar mais contra essa declaração e ameaçam destruí-la. É o direito a tudo e ao seu contrário.
Se o aborto for aprovado como “direito humano” estão justificadas todas as barbaridades contra inocentes: é o que quisermos.
Será cada vez maior o descrédito da ONU, desde que nos anos 90 foi tomada de assalto pela esquerda radical e igualitária.
E, nesse caso, até é bom que desapareça.
Até lá, existe a possibilidade de impedir essa iniquidade mediante a apresentação de uma petição contra essa medida que está a ser levada a cabo por uma organização americana. Não pelas Nações Unidas, que não merecem grande crédito, mas pelas vidas daqueles inocentes que podemos salvar das suas mãos.
Assine e divulgue.
October 20, 2008
Dear Colleague,
On December 10th, radical pro-abortion groups will present petitions asking the UN General Assembly to make abortion a universally recognized human right.
We have met the challenge and you can help.
We have initiated a petition drive that calls for governments to interpret the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as protecting the unborn child from abortion. Along with a coalition of pro-life groups from around the world, we will present our petitions at a press conference at UN headquarters.
So far, in only three weeks we have generated 46,417 names endorsing our petition; that is 15,000 a week! I now fully expect that we will present 100,000 names on December 10th, the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In order for this to happen, though, I need your help and I need it now.
If you have not signed the petition, do so now HERE or by going directly to http://www.c-fam.org and clicking on the icon “UN Petition for the Unborn Child.” Then, after you have signed the petition, send this email or one of your own to ALL OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS!
If you have already signed the petition, send this email or one of your own to ALL OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS and urge them to sign it.
What we are trying to do is create a real global internet campaign that will shock the pro-abortion radicals at the UN on December 10th! To help you, the petition has been translated into 11 different languages and each can be found HERE or by going to http://www.c-fam.org
So, please act now. Go HERE or here http://www.c-fam.org and sign the petition. Then send this message or one of your own to ALL OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.
Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
PS We absolutely must submit more names to the UN than the pro-abortion radicals. They are bigger, richer and stronger than we are. So, act now; sign the petition HERE or go here http://www.c-fam.org. And send this message to everyone you know!

Etiquetas: A ideologia onusiana, Em Defesa da Vida, Manuel Brás